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Riddle of the Gods Book Launch

So... how to describe my recent, incredibly fun, sometimes insane, "Shiva XIV: Riddle of the Gods" Book Launch? I guess I'll start at the beginning. When I first decided to do a Facebook launch event, I literally

had no idea what I was going to do. I knew only vaguely about authors having online launches, but I had no clue how to even start. Google searching only provided basics like the fact that you invite friends. Wow. I never would have guessed. Lol So... I watched others and read about it on groups. I then took part in my first author takeover for Indie Author Day, which was completely new for me. I had no experience at all when I had my hour as on the event. Luckily, I was guided by an indie author, and now good friend, Renee Gauthier. She helped me feel right at home. I then went ahead and posted about my book and did memes and contests! I was so good at it, I even did an extra hour to cover a no show. A month or so later, and it was time to release book 3 of my Shiva XIV series with a launch event right beforehand. I was terrified... Mostly that it would bomb, and no one would show up. How silly of me. What ended up taking place was magic. I felt I needed guest authors, so I contacted those whom I thought would fit into the theme of sci-fi/fantasy. (I allowed paranormal too since it's basically fantasy imo.) Time slots were filled and next thing I knew, I was no longer alone! I had my talented author friends with me. Yay! Second thing I did was gather together ideas for my own posts, such as memes, contests, questions, pictures, all that fun stuff, which aims to tell/sell about the new book. Now, here's where it gets creative and unique. Early on, my dear author friend, J.B. Richards and I came up with the crazy idea of having our two main characters talk in a discussion about what it's like being messianic heroes. I thought it would be pretty interesting and fun. Well, that started my brain thinking, why stop there? Soon, the "Character Ball" jumped into my brain. I envisioned my main characters throwing a huge party with all the authors coming by as their characters, like a massive role playing cosplay event! I imagined it would either be complete, uncontrolled insanity... Or simply wonderful. Lol

Luckily, the real thing turned out to be a bit of both, albeit ultimately more fun than insane. Somehow, with enough patience and virtual wine (and pizza! Lots of pizza!) everyone had a blast without their brains melting. In fact, I heard quite a few of my friends tell me how it inspired them to write after the ball. If that isn't the heart of NanoWriMo, I don't know what is! Honestly, I don't think anything like that had ever been done before at an author event. Maybe small versions, but not the epic one like at mine. It was magic and mayhem, and I'd do it again... But this time, I wouldn't schedule anyone after the ball. Truth was, we were exhausted by that point... Just like after a real party. So, my event is over and I had a great time. I even sold some copies! Thank you so much to everyone who attended, author guests and non-author guests alike. I truly had a great time celebrating my books, as well as yours... And I think I now know eventing like the back of my hand. You can see the remains of our great big ball of insane fun at:

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Shiva XIV © 2017 Lyra Shanti

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